Let's draw a truce for the next few paragraphs and see what we might learn about one another.
I'm not here to make you feel small, even though a fair share of you seem to think that's your inalienable right to make gay men feel less than. That being said, let's roar full steam ahead (no pun intended) and discover why gay men's 'jingle balls' rule! Straight guys don't get offended or feel threatened by this topic. In terms of what men actually buy 58 boxer briefs, 18 boxer shorts, 16 colorful briefs, 6 tighty whiteys, and 2. Only 3 of the men polled said they didn’t wear underwear. Hey there, this site has a lot of muscle and dicks, so make sure you're 18+ and agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.We also want to feed you. Although there are some fab little gems in it (boy did I just flame or what!) The debate over Boxers or Briefs was put to the test in 2016 when HuffPost collaborated with AskMen, who polled 650 men on the subject.
Before we launch into this diatribe of 'Who has bigger jingle balls, gay or straight men?' let me first set the record straight.